Movie Name: Ghidrah the Three Headed Monster

O.K., so this isn't strictly a Godzilla movie [he shows up at the end to help defeat the title monster]. The plot is basically about a princess who disappears from an airplane, only to reappear later claiming to be a martian, and trying to warn the world that a evil space monster is on its way. Nobody believes her, of course, until Ghidorah appears. Fortunately, Godzilla, Rodan and the baby Mothras are on hand to help out. The ending is really disappointing, unfortunately -- no resolution whatsoever. All the monsters duke it out for a while until Ghidorah flys away. The end.

The movie is really only redeemed by the spiffy special effects used to animate Ghidrah -- three heads, two tails and all. I mean, I really like the concept of Ghidrah, but couldn't they make a better movie to introduce him in?


San Daikaiju-Chikyu Saidai no Kessen
[Three Monsters' Decisive Battle for Earth] (1964)
Relseased in U.S. as Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster (1965)

Detective Shindo............Yosuke Natsuki
Professor Murai............Hiroshi Koizumi
Professor Tsukamoto........Takashi Shimura
Malness.........................Hisaya Ito
Naoko.........................Yuriko Hoshi
Princess Sarno..........Akiko Wakabayashi

Director......................Ishiro Honda
Screenplay...............Shinichi Sekizawa
Special Effects.............Eiji Tsuburaya
Music........................Akira Ifukube

Running Time: 92 minutes

Released by Continental
Presented by Walter Reade-Sterling
Running Time: 89 min

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